Friday, May 28, 2010

Lift and Tuck for Back Labour!

I have had three back labours, and every time I get pregnant I hope to God that I will not have a posterior baby again...but I do without fail. I do all the tricks that I know of; get chiropractic adjustments, crawl around my house on all fours, and try to sit up straight against really hard chairs. But babes always turn right side up after I am 10 cm dilated, and after i have endured the dreaded back labour. The pain of back labour is awful...even terrible, and it can prompt many women into having epidurals. The other day  I found this site and its looks very gives me goosebumps to think that women who have posterior babies may have another option!

1 comment:

  1. Good reads Amanda. I've heard about doing this with a partner to relieve back pain during pregnancy but not for labour.
    I didn't know you were a doula. I'll be checking out your page more often.
