Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

Today i am 29, my last year before thankful i haven't died yet. ha..that IS how i think. I haven't gotten eaten by a huge mammal, and i've gotten enough (well, a little too much) to eat in the last 29 years. I've had three babies and have a good man to boot..and i've still got my teeth. Life is good.

I got a tattoo this past book club i said, "i need to do something crazy before i turn 29", and Mar said, "get a tattoo", so i did, a small one on my wrist. It reads "Chava", but its written in Hebrew, and it means Eve, life giver (mother).  I can hear my kids fighting over Connect Four upstairs, off i go to break it up.


  1. Hey, Happy Birthday!

    I got the photos by the way - your girl looks JUST EXACTLY THE SPIT AND IMAGE OF HER MOTHER at the same age. Makes my head spin, like I'm caught in a time warp.

    Enjoy! Did the tattoo hurt?

  2. Cool! A tattoo! I'll have to check it out the next time we meet in the nursery!
    Happy 29th!! Have a great year!

  3. You did it! That was fast. Can't wait to see it. Happy birthday! I wrote down everyone's birthdates at last bookclub because I thought it would be cool if we 'did something' for them. But then I realized yours would occur before the next meeting. Oh well. We'll have to give you a belated celebration. We'll have to share 'cause I'm next! Happy Birthday!
