Friday, November 13, 2009

Tea please

Throughout my last pregnancy i must have drank buckets full of Red Raspberry Leaf tea...i grew to like the taste, especially with a touch of agave nectar or some honey:) This brew is known for being a uterine tonic; helping the uterus contract more efficiently and reducing the risk of hemorrhage after birth. My last birth was so quick, about 45 minutes of active labor..i went from 5 cm to birth in 40 minutes! Afterwards i barely bled at all, and i fully believe it was due to the amount of Red Raspberry Leaf tea i drank throughout that pregnancy, as I did not have the same experience with my previous births. I would use a french press and fill the bottom with the loose tea, and then drink the whole litre of tea through the morning,then again in the evening. Red Raspberry Leaf is rich in vitamins A, C, E and  B complex, it also contains  highly absorbable forms of calcium and iron, and is rich in minerals such as phosphorous and potassium. It also assists in producing a good supply of breast milk:)  A good brand of bagged Red Raspberry Leaf is available from Yogi Tea


  1. I wish I had known you when I was pregnant. My first birth was such a nightmare that I elected a planned c-section for the second baby out of great fear and trepidation. You could have helped me so much!
    I'm glad that part parenthood is over - I'm fully enjoying my big girls now.

  2. isn't it great having little girl friend(s) in the house? I take Jaida out for tea and go shopping...something i can't with little OR big boys..girls rule:)
