Tuesday, December 22, 2009

glowing Christmas babies

Well, i'm ready for Christmas..in my world at least...i'll think about what we're going to eat the day before we eat it. I'm shunning turkey as i just don't like it, and i think we may just have a big brunch, and i'll try and make some gluten-free cinnamon buns. Yummy? I'm hopeful...The really exciting part of Christmas for us is Christmas Eve anyways, the candles at the Christmas Eve service, the anticipation for the kids, and the whole "night before Christmas" feeling. My kids just watched ET, when Levi started watching the movie he said, "Is ET a child hunter?"..no Levi he's a friendly alien...I didn't remember this part, but the teenie tiny Drew Barrymore call ET a "penis head"...my kids will be sure to use that one :) And for my pleasure i will post a picture of a hard plastic baby that glows AND is also a piggy bank...and is BLUE! The french made this one up...and its so tacky, its cool...you can find it at Basic French.


  1. I think it's freaky lookin' Nice to see you, tonight.

  2. Weird toy.
    No turkey? You crazy person. Or maybe I'm the crazy person, I will be spending all of Christmas Eve cooking.
    Hey can you call me? I lost your number in the move, don't have your e-mail and we may need to switch book club from Friday to Saturday so Marlene can make it. But maybe not.
    Call me. Yo.
