Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Allergies and Pregnancy

Many women suffer from seasonal allergies, and dealing with them when you're pregnant is not fun! As a Herbalist and Doula (and fellow hay fever sufferer), I get asked all the time if i know of any natural methods. I spoke with a Naturopathic Doctor and Midwife, and they told me about some remedies that do work well AND that you can take during pregnancy:

1. WATER! Drink plenty...minimum 8 glasses per day (flushes out the allergens from your system).

2. Homeopathics are safe during pregnancy and lactation. Pollinosan Tabs by A.Vogel help regulate your immune system. I use this myself and this literally worked overnight.

3. Echinacea is safe during pregnancy and is also great for regulating the immune system; making it strong enough to fight invaders, yet smart enough to know what to attack and what not to.

4. Vitamin C is an effective natural antihistamine, and you can take up to 2000mg/day. Try to spread 500mg doses throughout the day.

5. A healthy diet of anti-inflammatory foods! Follow The Gentle Birth Method nutritional guidelines for a healthy, glowing pregnancy and better birth.


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