Tuesday, January 05, 2010

ze healthiest chocolate pudding

I was at a dinner party about a month ago and the host made this delish chocolate pudding, none of us could place the taste in our mouths, but it was different and good. At the end i asked for the recipe and i couldn't believe how simple it was and foolish i'd been. It was tofu!! I just made it for lunch for my kids, since i can add random goodness and they won't notice.

Recipe: 1 pack of firm organic tofu (i like Soyganic)
            3 tbsp (or to taste) of agave nectar or honey
             bittersweet chocolate, melted  OR 5 tbsp plain cocoa powder
           * blend it up in your Vita-mix or blender and its done!

To be sneaky i add some supplements into it sometimes, like hemp oil and spirulina (but don't go overboard or they'll notice!) And raspberries add a nice touch.


  1. hmmmmm. I just might have to give that a try.
    Want me to bring anything on Saturday?
